Realizing Typo in Secondary Pre Interview Med School

50+ common medical school interview questions, plus time-tested approaches to answering questions like "Tell me about yourself" and "What is your biggest weakness?"

Medical School Interview Shemmassian Academic Consulting.jpg

Part 1: Introduction to medical school interviews

One of the most nerve-racking aspects of the entire medical school admissions process—more than writing your personal statement, AMCAS Work and Activities section, and those pesky secondaries—is waiting to receive interview invitations.

That's why, when you finally receive an interview invitation, you typically breathe a sigh of relief and feel validated for all of your hard work throughout your college and perhaps post-bacc years.

Soon after your quick celebration, however, the anxiety creeps back in. What happens during a typical med school interview day? How will you answer common questions like "Why do you want to be a doctor?" or "What type of career do you intend to pursue?," let alone tricky Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) questions or ones about the current state of the U.S. healthcare system?

Fortunately, as with every other part of the application process, there is a systematic way to stand out during medical school interviews. In this guide, we'll show you exactly how to make that happen, from understanding why medical schools interview you to sending follow-up thank you letters, and everything in between.

Why medical schools interview you

Many premed students with whom we discuss interviews want to jump straight into the nitty-gritty of how to answer certain questions or to whom they should send a follow-up thank you letter (we'll address both of these questions later in the article).

Before we get into those details, however, we take a step back and ask our students, "Why do you think med schools want to interview you in the first place?" After all, medical schools can learn so much about you from your application materials, including your:

  • Academic readiness (GPA and MCAT score)

  • Desire and fitness for becoming a physician (personal statement)

  • Demonstrated longstanding commitment to medicine (AMCAS Work and Activities)

  • Likelihood to gel with a particular school's culture and offerings (secondary applications)

The answer is straightforward. Medical schools want to learn the following three pieces of information through your interview:

  1. That you're sociable and easy to get along with. You'll be interacting with people—patients, nurses, colleagues, etc.—every day as a physician, so you have to be likable and personable.

  2. That you don't have significant interpersonal difficulties, such as arrogance or major social awkwardness. Few people want to be around someone who is incredibly full of themselves or unable to hold an engaging conversation.

  3. That you seem as polished and fit for medicine in person as you come across on your application. With unlimited opportunities to write, rewrite, and edit your essays, it's possible to submit error-free application materials. On the other hand, it's much more difficult to cover up obvious flaws during a live in-person interview.

These three pieces of information highlight two powerful insights about how to think about and approach the med school interview process:

  1. If you've been invited for an interview, you've made the academic and extracurricular cut. In other words, if they were going to reject you based solely on insufficient stats or extracurricular experiences, they wouldn't have invited you for an interview. Therefore, you should go into the interview with confidence that you're academically "good enough."

  2. You should pay just as much attention to the way you answer questions and interact with interviewers and school staff as you do to the actual content of your answers. If the faculty and school staff like being around you, they'll overlook minor missteps. On the other hand, if they find you off-putting in some way at the start, it will be tough for you to recover and impress them, no matter how perfectly you answer interview questions.

Once you reframe the interview as an opportunity to authentically engage faculty, students, and staff rather than as a showcase of your academic prowess, you'll be able to maximize your impact on interview day.

(To learn more about how to get your interviewers to like you beyond simple etiquette, check out our YouTube video: Medical School Interview Strategies: How to Use Psychology to Impress Your Interviewers.)

Is it true that medical schools reject overqualified applicants?

In some cases, medical schools might reject candidates they believe will not attend their program, in order to give the spot to another student who is more likely to attend. This practice is called "yield protection" so that medical schools can preserve the real or perceived desirability of their program. That said, there is no way to know whether you will be turned down by a given school for being too qualified, so try not to heavily factor yield protection into your school list decisions.

Part 2: Before interview day

When are medical school interview invitations are sent out?

Interview invitations are sent out on a rolling basis, until all spots are filled at a given school. Some students begin receiving interview invitations as early as late July, yet others receive their first invitation in January. Nevertheless, the majority of interview invitations are sent out between September and January.

It's also important to note that each school handles invitations differently. For instance, some schools employ a truly rolling process (i.e., they send invitations one by one as strong candidates make the cut), whereas others invite students on a rolling basis in chunks (i.e., they invite their favorite applicants who applied in July, followed by their favorites who applied in August, and so on). There are also medical schools that wait until a certain date before extending interview invitations in bulk (e.g., no invitations are sent out until after all applications received by October have been reviewed).

There are many rumors discussed among premeds in person or on sites like Student Doctor Network and Reddit about certain dates by which you should receive interview invitations or acceptances; otherwise, you should give up hope. One such cutoff is the "Turkey Day Rule", which posits that if you don't hear back from a school by Thanksgiving, all is basically lost. Our nearly 20 years of experience supporting hundreds of students who have received interview invitations after Thanksgiving or other "cutoff dates" pretty much destroys these types of rumors.

There is, however, one trend that we've consistently observed with regard to admissions success relative to interview invitation dates. Specifically, students who receive interview invitations earlier tend to get in somewhere at higher rates than students who don't receive any interview invitations until months later. Moreover, the sooner a student receives multiple interview offers, the more positive the omen. Neither of these trends are surprising, however, given that ultra-competitive students are more likely to receive earlier and greater numbers of interview invitations than their lower-achieving peers.

At what point do medical schools stop interviewing students?

The majority of medical schools complete their interviews by mid-March, though they will keep going until all spots have been filled. A few schools will continue to interview students through April or later.

How to navigate interview logistics

You should confirm your interview date as soon as possible after you receive an invitation. This will help you demonstrate strong interest in a program and create an overall positive impression before you even arrive on campus. In addition, you should aim to select the earliest interview date that you can to maximally take advantage of the rolling admissions process.

Whenever you confirm your interview date, make sure to politely express your gratitude for the opportunity and excitement to learn more about the program. Your "interview" comprises every interaction you have with a given school; that is, every email, phone call, or conversation before, during, and after your actual interview date, so be your best self at all times.

Moreover, treat everyone with the highest level of respect, whether you're interacting with faculty, students, or administrative staff. Several of our team members have served on admissions staff and can attest to the fact that med school admissions committee members are open to positive and negative feedback about specific applicants.

Once you confirm your interview date, book your travel and accommodations as soon as possible to lock in the best available prices. Make sure to arrive at least a day early to your destination, and aim to book a direct morning flight to minimize the likelihood of delays. This latter point especially applies if you're flying into, out of, or through a cold-weather location.

Some schools may send you your interview day agenda before you arrive on campus, yet others won't provide much information beyond the location you should arrive to on your interview date and your start time. Regardless, you should aim to minimize your stress on interview day as much as possible. To do this, arrive at the school early to find parking and the location of your interview. Better still, you can drive or walk by the interview location during the evening prior. Hospitals, where med school interviews may be housed, can be notoriously confusing to navigate, and you want to avoid showing up frazzled and sweaty.

Will sending an update letter improve my odds of getting an interview?

Sending a thoughtful update letter certainly can't hurt, but sending an update letter just for the sake of "moving your application back to the top of the pile" may annoy admissions committees. The key is what you include in your update letter, not whether or not you send one. For more information on update letters, view our frequently asked questions below.

How to prepare for your medical school interviews

Step 1: Reseach

The first step you should take in preparing for your interview at a given school is to study your AMCAS and secondary application inside and out. If you listed a certain detail or covered a specific experience on your application, you should be ready to discuss it in more detail during your interview.

When you're asked about why you want to become a physician, or why you want to attend a certain school (more on these two questions later), you should aim to respond in such a way that's consistent with your application. While adding new information is acceptable, stating reasons during your interview that are dramatically different from what you wrote on your application may raise red flags.

Once you know your application cold, you should visit the school's page on Student Doctor Network (SDN) and click on the gray "Interview Feedback" tab to see a list of questions interviewees have been asked there, whether interviews are held one-on-one or in a group format, whether interviews are held open file or closed file, and so forth (for example, here's Yale School of Medicine's SDN page). In addition to practicing generic questions, you should religiously study and practice answering the questions that students have been asked at that institution.

Next, you should visit the school's website and carefully read through multiple pages of content. Pay special attention to what they repeatedly mention on their site (e.g., diversity, research), because those are likely areas that the school is particularly proud of or known for, and demonstrating fit with those aspects of their school culture or programs will help you be seen as a great candidate.

If you receive the name of your interviewers ahead of time, you should definitely look them up online. If they're faculty, spend a few minutes reading through their research and clinical interests in case you want to ask questions during your interview about their work or how to get involved in research. While asking either of these questions is not necessary, it's nice to have them ready in your back pocket.

Step 2: Practice

It's a good idea to go through several rounds of mock interviews before your first interview date. However, you should be selective about the people you ask to interview you. Good candidates for mock interviews include:

  • Your premed advisor

  • Your school's premed committee (i.e., the same folks who may have written a committee letter for you)

  • A friend who has successfully gone through the med school admissions process

  • A medical school admissions consultant

When going through a mock interview, ask your reader to give you feedback on content and social skills, include eye contact, speech volume, speed, and clarity, and ease of conversation. Moreover, when you get feedback, don't just jot down notes for next time. Instead, role play in the moment to reinforce the feedback you receive.

There is such a thing as too much practice. Specifically, some students who rehearse certain answers too many times, or insist on memorizing their responses, may come off as robotic during an interview. It's best to have a strong idea and flow for what you're going to say, but make sure you're conversing naturally.

One advanced practice tactic is to go through at least some of your mock interviews under stressful conditions. Students tend to practice their interviews in the comfort of their bedroom or another familiar setting, wearing comfortable clothes, and having had sufficient rest. On the other hand, the actual interview can be very stressful. You may have gotten less sleep than usual and are experiencing racing thoughts and jitters. By practicing under stressful conditions, you can recreate your interview day experience more accurately.

Some approaches to creating stress for your mock interviews include:

  • Intentionally sleeping less than 6 hours the night before

  • Consuming significantly more caffeine than you typically do

  • Wearing slightly uncomfortable clothing

  • Watching an intense movie just prior to raise your heart rate

  • Interviewing in an unfamiliar location

Part 3: Interview day and beyond

How to answer medical school interview questions

Answering medical school interview questions essentially boils down to the following:

  • Be consistent with what you wrote on your application

  • Have your answers progress clearly and directly address the question

  • Take a firm position on an issue, when necessary

  • Prioritize patient needs above all else

  • Make appropriate eye contact and use appropriate speech volume, tone, etc.

  • Exhibit the appropriate emotions (e.g., smile when it's appropriate to smile)

  • Update your interviewer on anything you've achieved since submitting your original application

However, just like canned admissions essay writing advice such as "show, don't tell," these rules won't benefit you without examples of how they're applied the right way. Therefore, we've selected a few common questions and provided guidance and strong sample responses for each.

"Tell me about yourself."

A common misconception: Many applicants think they have to immediately get right into medically relevant experiences when answering this question out of fear of not seeming serious enough about medicine.

How to approach the "Tell me about yourself" question: Describe your background—family, upbringing, interests—and then transition to medically relevant experiences. That way, you'll humanize yourself and your answers rather than seem like the typical premed student.

Here's an effective sample response:

I grew up in an Indian American family just outside Minneapolis. I'm the youngest of four girls, and I've always cherished my access to strong role models. However, there has always been a major academic disconnect between my high-achieving sisters and me. Specifically, whereas I've long leaned towards the sciences, my sisters all preferred the humanities (laughs). But I've actually come to see this as a blessing, because it's forced me to carve out my own path rather than follow in their footsteps. In high school… [describes science experiences and transitions to interest in medicine].

"Why do you want to become a physician?" or "Why are you interested in medicine?"

A common misconception: Applicants routinely tell us that they're worried about sounding clichéd when answering this type of question. For example, they shy away from discussing their passion for the sciences or for helping people. Moreover, they're concerned about sounding repetitive with their personal statement.

How to approach the "Why medicine?" question: Retelling stories from your personal statement is actually a good thing because you'll be consistent about your reasons for wanting to pursue medicine. On the other hand, if you tell an entirely new story, the interviewer may wonder whether or not you're being authentic. In addition, it's important to remember that if we distill medicine, it's essentially applying science to improve people's health. Therefore, your interviewer hopes that you enjoy the sciences and helping people. How could this be a bad thing?

Here's a sample response that works:

When I arrived to college, I really wasn't sure what career to pursue. All I knew was that I enjoyed the sciences, so I signed up to work in a biology lab during my freshman year to study olfaction in mice. After a semester in the lab, I started thinking a lot about how the work I was doing could be applied to humans. I also found myself increasingly wanting to work directly with people. That feeling led me to apply to volunteer at the university hospital. Right from the start, I was helping patients in the neurosurgery department recover from their tumor procedures… [tells story about helping a specific individual, the insights gained from that experience, and subsequent activities pursued.]

"Why do you want to attend X school?" or "Why us?"

A common misconception: Some students feel that the way to answer this question well is to be overly complimentary of the school and its offerings. Unfortunately, they'll end up citing generic perks of attending that school, such as world-class faculty, a great hospital, small class sizes, etc.

How to approach the "Why us?" question: While researching the program, you should identify specific reasons why that school will be an excellent fit for you, and vice-versa, so you can highlight these points during your interview. In other words, your goal is to convince your interviewer that the school was made for someone like you.

An effective sample response:

One of the biggest reasons I'm drawn to Stanford is because of its strong emphasis on conducting research from the get-go. I love how students become involved in a lab during their first year, and also that many students complete a research elective between their first and second years. Although I'm not yet sure what specialty I'll end up going into, I'm very much interested in exploring a career in academic medicine, and I'm confident that Stanford will be the ideal school for me to do that.

The second reason I'd like to attend Stanford is because it promotes diversity as one of its core values. As a Jamaican American student who grew up in the Bronx, being surrounded by, and learning from, people of different backgrounds and cultures is very important to me. It allows me to widen my perspective on how people see the world, including health care. I want to continue learning from my diverse peers and apply flexible thinking when approaching my own patients during medical school and beyond. I would also look to become involved with the Center of Excellence in Diversity in Medical Education to conduct advocacy work in the Bay Area as I did during college in Boston. [Discusses third primary reason, etc.]

Can medical schools see where else you've been accepted?

No, medical schools cannot see where else you've been accepted. If your interviewer asks where else you've been accepted, we encourage you to be honest, though you don't have to list everywhere you've gotten in. However, you should also use the opportunity to emphasize the reasons why you are seriously interested in attending their program.

"What do you see as the biggest problem with health care in the United States?" or any other policy or current events or future events question

A common misconception: There are perhaps no questions that send more shudders down premed spines. Students believe they have to frantically read everything they can about the Affordable Care Act in order to answer questions effectively and not seem like they've been buried under a rock. Moreover, they think they have to take a specific position or they will get automatically rejected.

How to approach this question: First off, these types of questions rarely come up—although they're a bit more common during MMI interviews—so you shouldn't spend too much time worrying about them. Regardless, your interviewer is more interested in how you think than the actual position you take (unless, of course, your position is something radical or extreme, like "I think people who can't afford health care don't deserve it."). Therefore, before you state your position and provide your rationale, explore both sides of the issue to demonstrate thoughtfulness. Based on your considerations, you should then take a position and humbly stick with it.

Here's an example response that does this well:

Solving the U.S. healthcare crisis is clearly a very complicated and charged topic. On the one hand, I understand that individuals who support our current system want to maintain their choice when it comes to whom and where they receive care from. After all, they understand their families' needs best. Unfortunately, our current system is too expensive for families with low socioeconomic status, yet these individuals have just as much of a right to sound healthcare as people with more means. While I'm not sure where our healthcare system will ultimately end up, it's difficult for me to see healthcare in our country appropriately addressed without moving to a single-payer model… [discusses limitations in their conclusion, but reiterates position]

"What is your greatest strength?"

A common misconception: In answering this question, many applicants worry about bragging or seeming self-congratulatory, which they believe will make them come across as unlikable.

How to approach this question: Rather than paint you in a negative light, being able to reflect on your strengths will instead show interviewers that you're thoughtful, mature, and know yourself well.

Here's how to speak about a strength:

  • Choose a personal quality that you can back up with an example from your AMCAS application, personal statement, or secondary essays. Not only will the example reinforce your answer, it will also deepen the way your interviewer understands your application materials.

  • The trait you choose should be one that's desirable for physicians—for instance, empathy or teamwork.

  • Make sure to pick a strength broad enough that you can apply it to a wide range of scenarios rather than something that's hyper-specific. For example, "communication" would be better than "I respond to emails promptly."

Here's an effective sample response:

In my opinion, my greatest strength is that I'm really patient. I'm the oldest of five siblings so I learned early on that it didn't really get me anywhere to become frustrated when things took a long time or if one of my brothers or sisters didn't know how to do something, for example. Rather, I found that being calm and trying to help my siblings made life go more smoothly. I've found the same thing to be true as an adult, too. For instance, when I was volunteering at a nursing home, there was one resident who was particularly cranky and demanding, and many of the nurses avoided her. But her quirks never really bothered me—I was always happy to talk with her and bring her what she needed, and as a result, we actually became pretty good friends! Turns out she's a really neat lady. I'm no longer a volunteer there, but I still go visit her every few months. I've found that patience has given me some amazing rewards in my life.

"What is your biggest weakness?"

A common misconception: While this question might inspire even more dread than "What's your greatest strength?," the discomfort behind it is the same: many students feel hesitant to call attention to a weakness for fear of making themselves look bad.

How to approach this question: Similar to "What's your greatest strength?," this question is an opportunity to display self-awareness and demonstrate that you have the resilience necessary to overcome limitations and challenges. Remember that everyone has weaknesses! Your interviewer just wants to see that you're able to learn, grow, and solve problems.

Here's how to discuss a weakness: Ground your weakness in an example that demonstrates its negative impact on you, then pivot to how you addressed it. Finally, talk about how you've changed and what you learned.

Keep the following in mind as well:

  • You should choose a weakness that you've struggled withand that you've put real effort into improving. It might be something you've successfully combatted or something you're still working on.

  • Never deny that you have weaknesses or offer a "fake weakness" designed to make you look good, like working too hard or perfectionism.

  • Avoid weaknesses that will automatically seem like red flags for future doctors. For example, highlighting issues with empathy or ethics won't come across well.

Here's an example response that works:

Something that's definitely challenged me is learning to make my voice heard. For better or for worse, my natural inclination is to be a people-pleaser and foster smooth interactions, so I tend to be flexible and go with the flow. When I was younger, I often felt nervous to disagree with others because I didn't want them to get mad or be disappointed with me. Once, I actually made plans to hang out with two different friends at the same time because I didn't want to say "no" to either—needless to say, that didn't make anyone happy.

When I started college, I decided I needed to confront the issue head on, so I set a goal of voicing my opinion at least once a day. At first, it often took the form of something small, like saying, "Actually, I'd rather get burritos than pizza tonight." But I found that those small instances added up and helped me learn to stand up for myself in more consequential situations. It's still something I consciously work on, but I'm definitely much more comfortable sharing my thoughts than I used to be, and I believe it's helped me develop more genuine relationships. Plus, I've learned that debating can even be fun!

(Suggested viewing: How to Answer the What is Your Greatest Strength or Weakness Medical School Interview Question)

What questions to ask your interviewer

At the end of most interviews, you'll have the opportunity to ask your interviewer some questions. But before we discuss good questions to ask, let's briefly cover the types of questions you shouldn't ask:

  • Information that can be clearly found on the school website (e.g., "How many students make up a typical class?")

  • Anything that would be better answered by someone else (e.g., don't ask a faculty member about the student experience)

  • Canned or quiz-like questions, such as, "What do you see as the strengths of the first-year curriculum?"

On the other hand, powerful questions include the following:

  • Deeper questions about specific opportunities (e.g., "Could you please tell me more about the physician-scientist training program? Do students have to get admitted into the program before their first year, or are there opportunities to apply after matriculation?")

  • (Our personal favorite) Soliciting advice about navigating medical school (e.g., "Based on your years of experience, what have you observed to be the most common struggles for first-year students, and what advice would you be willing to share for someone like me just starting out?")

How long after an interview will you hear back?

It varies widely. Some schools might contact you within a week or two, whereas others will have a set date when they notify all applicants. You are welcome to gently ask the question during your interview and emphasize how interested you are in attending their program.

Sending follow-up thank you notes

Unless a school explicitly asks you not to send thank you notes, you should send one to every single person who interviewed you, including current students, within 48 hours. Sending thank you notes by email is perfectly acceptable.

The first opportunity you have to take notes about your interview, jot down the person's name and a few bullets about what you discussed during the interview. Make special note of any advice or guidance they provided, because you should incorporate those notes into your letter. Here's a sample thank you letter template you can use to email your interviewers:

Dear Dr. [Interviewer's Last Name],

I want to thank you once more for taking the time to interview me for admission to [Medical School] [note about the date, e.g., yesterday, specific date]. Throughout my interview day, I was impressed with [a few reasons you enjoyed your visit, whether the people, facilities, culture, etc.), which aligns with [some quality or aspiration that is important to you]. In addition, I appreciate your candid [advice/insights] about [topic]. Since the interview, [something you thought about or researched, and your insights gained].

My already strong interest in [Medical School] was only confirmed by the interview day, and I would be honored to attend medical school there. If you would like any other information from me, please reach me by phone at [number] or email at [address]. Otherwise, I look forward to hearing your decision.


[Your First and Last Name]

Part 4: The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)

(Note: For in-depth guidance on how to answer each type of MMI question, including sample responses and 150 practice questions, we encourage you to review our comprehensive resource: MMI Interview: The Ultimate Guide.)

Each year, an increasing number of medical schools are moving away from traditional one-on-one interviews and toward MMI. During an MMI-style interview, you'll be asked to go through six to ten short interviews that are designed to collectively measure your verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The interviews typically take place across a number of "stations." At each station, you will be given a prompt and two minutes to reflect, and then you'll be invited to the interview room, where you will have about eight minutes to answer a question or complete a task. Every interviewee will encounter the same staff member at a given station to ensure consistent performance ratings.

The reason more and more schools are moving toward MMI goes back to what we discussed near the beginning of this guide. Specifically, med schools believe they are able to more reliably assess your intangibles (i.e., the information they can't necessarily get from polished essays) through MMI relative to a traditional interview format. Moreover, by going through a larger number of shorter interviews, schools can better minimize any impact of bias from individual interviewers.

MMI questions can include a wide variety of scenarios, including:

  • An ethical dilemma (e.g., how to handle your patient's use of alternative medicine despite no empirical support)

  • A situation that mimics what you will be asked to do as a physician (e.g., what qualities to look for when hiring a physician to join your practice)

  • Interacting with an actor (e.g., a patient in pain expressing dissatisfaction with your work)

  • Working together on a task with a fellow interviewee (e.g., developing a new hospital initiative or solving a puzzle)

  • A question about healthcare policy (e.g., how to manage a patient in a persistent vegetative state)

  • Traditional interview questions like the ones discussed above

While it's difficult to prepare for every scenario you may encounter during an MMI interview, there are certain qualities you should always aim to exhibit in your behaviors and responses. These include:

  • Medical ethics

    • Autonomy: Your patients' rights to self-determination (e.g., to accept or refuse intervention)

    • Beneficence: Promoting your patients' best interest

    • Non-maleficence: Not harming your patients

    • Respect for human rights

  • Respect and politeness

  • Thoughtfulness and reflectiveness (see the section on answering policy questions, above)

  • Effort

Given that MMI-style interviews are a new experience for most med school applicants, it may be tough to know how you did. Nevertheless, if you can exhibit the aforementioned qualities, you'll probably do well enough.

That said, it's important to practice answering MMI questions ahead of your interview. To help you develop a strong MMI strategy, let's go through an example together.

MMI example scenario

You're seeing a 71-year-old woman with dementia who has recently begun exhibiting concerning behaviors, such as leaving the shower running after she's done bathing and wandering into unknown neighborhoods during daily walks. The woman's adult son wants to transition your patient to an assisted living facility, but she refuses. The woman's son asks you to help convince your patient to move to the facility. What do you do?

How to answer MMI questions

Step 1: Identify the problem.

MMI interviewers want to not only hear how you would handle each situation, but also how you would think through them.

Your initial step should be to clearly highlight the problem, which is sometimes veiled by the scenario. In our example, the problem is not whether your patient should transition to an assisted living facility, but rather how your patient and her son disagree with one another and are involving you in the decision.

Step 2: Learn more about the situation.

While your evaluator will stand back and await your response, you're welcome—frankly, encouraged—to ask questions that will lead to a better understanding of the situation. The reason is that MMI interviewers want to gauge your interpersonal and communication skills just as much as your decision-making approach to complex situations.

Therefore, you should consider asking questions, like the following, in response to the scenario above before discussing your approach:

  • "I would ask the son why he thinks his mother wants to remain at home."

  • "I would inquire whether the son believes his mother fully understands the pros and cons of her decision."

  • "I would ask the son what specific concerns he has about his mother staying at home."

(Note: You will sometimes face a scenario that involves acting, such as a student playing the son's role. In these cases, you would interact with the actor directly and modify your questions accordingly. For instance, rather than saying, "I would ask the son…," you would simply ask the actor directly, "What specific concerns do you have about your mother staying at home?"

Step 3: Specify the problem further.

In Step 1, we discussed how it's important to state the problem based on the scenario presented. However, responses you receive through asking questions may provide new information that clarifies your understand of the problem and leads to a more targeted solution.

Imagine that your interviewer tells you that your patient's son is concerned about his mother's behaviors escalating into more dangerous ones, such as leaving the stove on after she's done cooking meals. Safety concerns are entirely different from the son not wanting the responsibility of taking care of his mother.

Step 4: Verbalize multiple solutions, including their pros and cons.

At this point, you'll want to discuss potential solutions. Treat this as a true verbal brainstorming exercise; that is, feel free to lay out good options and bad ones that you would never choose. That said, you'll want to present no more than 3–4 options so that you can demonstrate your consideration without making it seem like you're trying to unnecessarily waste time.

After presenting each option, tell your interviewer the pros and cons of each, such as:

  • Tell my patient that I spoke with her son and recommend that she enter an assisted living facility. Although this would go against my patient's autonomy, it may be in her best interest long-term.

  • Tell my patient's son that the decision is ultimately his mother's and that I will not recommend either living option to her. This decision would respect my patient's autonomy but perhaps harm my relationship with her son.

  • Extend my patient the opportunity to invite her son to our next appointment to discuss their respective concerns. I would validate the son's safety concerns and point to the fact that his mother has not yet exhibited dangerous behavior. Moreover, I would encourage the son to contact me if the situation changes so we can revisit my patient's living options at a later time. This option would respect my patient's autonomy while acknowledging the son's concerns.

It's okay if you can't come up with a perfect solution on the spot. As long as you're thoughtful, put your patient first, and stay within ethical and professional bounds, you'll be fine.

Step 5: Pick your best option.

Of the three options listed above, the third is best, so you would present that to your interviewer.

Your interviewer may respond by remaining silent or simply taking notes, engaging you in a conversation about how difficult these situations can be, or flat-out disagree with you.

If your interviewer remains silent, you can continue speaking about how it can be difficult to juggle medical ethics with familial concerns or engage your interviewer in conversation about the scenario. If your interviewer disagrees with you, however, remain calm and don't get defensive. As long as you put your patient's needs first and stayed within ethical bounds, you've done the right thing.

Depending on your interviewer's specific objection, you may discuss how your second option is less ideal than your third but better than your first. Always prioritize patient-centered options.

Part 5: Virtual medical school interview tips

In the 2020–2021 application cycle, virtual medical school interviews became standard due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most medical schools are continuing to stick with virtual interviews in the 2021–2022 cycle, which might lead you to wonder how virtual interviews differ from their in-person counterparts and how to best prepare for them.

Though a virtual interview might feel informal compared to an in-person interview, you should take it just as seriously. Prepare and practice answers in advance and make sure that your appearance and delivery are polished and professional, just as you would with an in-person interview. Virtual interviews present the additional task of spending time beforehand to ensure that your environment and technology setup won't present problems during your interview.

In addition to the other interview preparation advice that we give in this article, we've gathered some tips specific to virtual interviews that you should keep in mind in order to make the most of your interview.

Before your virtual interview

Make sure you know what kind of virtual interview you're heading into. Some schools conduct live virtual interviews in which you're conversing with an interviewer, whether that's a one-on-one traditional interview or virtual MMI stations. Others, like Altus Suite's Snapshot and the now-defunct AAMC VITA interview are asynchronous, meaning that you won't have an interviewer and instead will record responses to questions, which will be reviewed later.

Identify and prepare an appropriate space for your interviews to take place. The ideal environment is private, quiet, distraction-free, and has good lighting. Aim to have a neat, neutral background and a light source in front of you, like a window (a bright light behind you will cast a shadow). If you don't have a suitable space at home or if your internet connection is slow, look into whether your campus or public library has a private room you could use.

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and that your microphone and webcam are producing good quality sound and picture. While you can use your smartphone for interviews, laptops and tablets are preferable because they tend to have more stable connections. Their bigger screens will make it easier for you to immerse yourself in the interview, too. If your audio isn't coming through well at the beginning of your interview, ask your interviewer if they mind if you wear a headset.

Position the screen so that the camera is at eye level and your head and shoulders are centered with a bit of empty space above you. You might need to place your device on top of a stack of books to ensure that you're not looking down at the camera.

Pick out an interview outfit that won't be distracting on camera. You should wear head-to-toe business attire, just as you would for an in-person interview. Keep in mind, though, that patterns and over-the-top accessories usually seem busy on camera. Black, white, or shiny fabrics can create unflattering light imbalances that might make you look washed out. Instead, aim for simple, matte clothes in rich jewel tones or neutrals like navy or gray. It's also a good idea to make sure that your outfit contrasts rather than blends in with your background.

Make sure that your video call software is up to date. Run a test call with a friend or family member to make sure that everything's working and that you're coming across well on camera.

During your virtual interview

Make sure your device is fully charged or plugged in. It's a good idea to have a backup device handy, like your phone, just in case things aren't working well.

Silence all notifications on your phone and computer or tablet so you aren't distracted during the interview. Similarly, close your windows and make sure your TV, stereo, and timers are off to eliminate as much external noise as possible.

Focus on maintaining good eye contact and polite body language throughout the interview. Because you might find yourself looking away from the camera or slumped in your chair without even realizing it, it's crucial to remember to sit up straight, keep your attention fixed on your interviewer, and to generally stay aware of how your gestures and body language come across on camera. Keep in mind that the effect of eye contact is best achieved by looking directly at your webcam's lens, which might be at the top or bottom of your screen.

Resist the urge to look at notes or an outline. It'll be obvious that you're following a script rather than speaking naturally, plus you'll have trouble maintaining eye contact.

Final thoughts

The medical school interview process may be the most anxiety-inducing aspect of your application cycle. However, we want to remind you that getting invited to an interview serves as validation of your years of hard work, and confirms that your application up to that point is "good enough" to help you get into medical school and pursue your dream of becoming a physician.

Understand that schools are looking to get to know you on a human level during your interviews, to gauge the social and interpersonal qualities that are difficult to fully glean from your well-edited essays. Therefore, study each school's background, practice effectively, and clearly demonstrate your fit to seal the admissions deal.

Appendix A: Frequently asked questions

Under what circumstances should I send an update letter to medical schools, and what should I discuss in them?

There are four circumstances that warrant sending an update letter to medical schools:

  1. Two or more months have passed since you submitted your application and you have noteworthy updates to share (e.g., you're continuing to collect hours as a volunteer or researcher, you've completed a service trip, you're launching a fundraising initiative).

    • (Note: Unless you have an incredibly significant update to share, your first update letter should not go out before October, even if you submitted your secondaries in July.)

  2. Two or more months have passed since you interviewed and you have noteworthy updates to share.

  3. You have a major achievement to share (e.g., a significantly higher MCAT score, research publication).

  4. You have received a letter of acceptance from one school but prefer to attend another you interviewed at.

Your updates should be sent as a formal business letter, with the following paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown:

  1. A brief discussion of who you are, when you submitted your application or interviewed, and a note that you're updating the medical school with information that you would like included in your file.

  2. Your updates and achievements since applying or interviewing.

  3. A restatement of your interest in attending their school and how your updates have boosted your fit with their school.

  4. An expression of appreciation for their consideration and details on how to contact you for additional information.

(Recommended reading: How to Write a Great Medical School Letter of Intent or Letter of Interest)

I was put "on hold" for an interview at some of the med schools I applied to. What does this mean? Is it just a gentle way for them to reject me?

Think of being put on hold as being placed on an interview waitlist. Schools are currently interviewing their top applicants, after which they'll revisit applications they put on hold and invite additional students on a rolling basis.

Is there a point in the admissions cycle at which I should just assume I'm going to be rejected if I haven't yet heard back from a school following an interview?

As a general rule, with each month that passes post-interview, the likelihood that you will be accepted at a given medical school decreases. However, it's impossible to know how many spots have been filled there, and there's always a small chance that you will get in anytime through the end of spring.

Regardless, you should continue to develop your extracurricular profile and address any weaknesses in your application while you wait for admissions decisions. That way, if you have to reapply during the following admissions cycle, admissions committees won't be able to hold any "down time" (interpreted as lack of commitment to medicine) against you.

(Recommended reading: How to Spend Your Gap Year Before Medical School)

Appendix B: Common medical school interview questions

Below are 52 more frequently asked interview questions that you should be ready to answer. We've grouped them into categories and provided guidance on how you might approach each category. For some questions, we've also listed an alternative—a seemingly different question that's effectively asking the same thing.

Medical school interview questions about your personality, personal interests, and resilience

These types of questions are meant to get a better sense of who you are as a person and to measure your capacity for self-reflection. Think of them as opportunities to highlight your strengths or, in some cases, to convey your efforts towards self-improvement.

It's always a good idea to use examples that illustrate how these traits or interests have played out in your life, regardless of whether a question is framed in a general way or asks you to describe a specific instance. Note that your responses to these sorts of questions don't need to directly relate to your medical experiences, though they certainly can.

1. How do you deal with stress? What was a highly stressful situation you faced and how did you handle it?

2. Describe a time you made a mistake. How did you handle it and what did you do to correct it? (Alternatives: Describe a time you acted unprofessionally; Describe a time you failed.)

3. Describe an experience you've had working on a team. What role do you usually take on when working in a team setting? (Alternative: Describe a situation in which you've displayed leadership.)

4. How would you describe your communication style and interpersonal skills?

5. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone else.

6. How do you respond to criticism?

7. How would you evaluate your empathy and compassion for others?

8. How do you think your [friends/family/professors/references] would describe you?

9. What does professionalism mean to you?

10. Who is someone you admire and why?

11. How do you like to spend your free time?

12. What is your favorite book and why? (Alternative: What have you read recently for pleasure? What interested you about it?)

13. What do you want us to know about you that isn't reflected in your application?

Medical school interview questions about medicine and your career goals

These questions are designed to home in on your motivations for pursuing a career in medicine and to assess how much you've thought through your aspirations. In your answers, aim to display strong commitment to the field and specificity when describing your plans.

For example, you wouldn't want to answer #30 by saying that you'd give up on medicine and apply to law school instead. Rather, an effective response would highlight your dedication to medicine through, say, plans to improve your MCAT score and gain more clinical experience in order to reapply next year with a stronger profile.

14. What are your goals for your medical career? Where do you see yourself in 5–10 years?

15. What does "success" look like to you?

16. What role have your parents played in your decision to enter medicine?

17. Why have you chosen medicine over another healthcare profession or field where you can help others, such as nursing, public health, pharmacology, or social work?

18. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities for a physician to possess?

19. Why would you be a good doctor?

20. Is there anyone in the medical world who has been an inspiration to you?

21. What does the doctor-patient relationship mean to you?

22. Are you more interested in clinical or research work? How do you envision balancing the two during your career?

23. What medical specialties interest you?

24. Where do you plan to practice medicine?

25. Do you feel that doctors are underpaid or overpaid?

26. What hesitations or uncertainties do you have about becoming a physician?

27. What doesn't appeal to you about being a physician?

28. What do you anticipate having to give up for your career? (Alternative: How will you approach work-life balance as a physician?)

29. Through what experiences have you confirmed your decision to become a doctor?

30. What are your plans if you are not accepted into medical school? (Alternative: If you couldn't become a physician, what career path would you pursue instead?)

Medical school interview questions about your education

Questions about your education tend to be fairly straightforward. When discussing your experiences, it's important to answer honestly and not embellish; if you feel that your experience in a certain area is lacking, a good approach is to talk about how excited you are to gain more experience during medical school.

You should also give honest answers about your college coursework or major. Regardless of whether you're discussing biochemistry or Russian novels, be prepared to talk about what skills and knowledge they've given you that will benefit you as a doctor.

31. What experiences do you have in a [clinical/research/volunteer/extracurricular] setting?

32. Have you ever worked while you were in school?

33. Why did you choose your major? How has it prepared you for a medical career?

34. What classes outside of your premed coursework have prepared you for medical school? (Alternative: How have you tried to achieve a well-rounded education?)

35. What was your favorite class in college and why?

36. What is your learning style? (Alternative: What study habits have helped you be successful?)

37. If you could go back in time and redo anything from your college career, what would it be and why?

Medical school interview questions about cultural competency

Because doctors must be able to treat a wide range of patients with sensitivity and respect, regardless of demographics, the point of these questions is to understand how much experience you've had interacting with people who are different from you.

To answer effectively, you can draw on experiences you've had with any population different from yourself, whether that's in a foreign country or in your local community. You should emphasize what you learned through those experiences and, most importantly, how those experiences will inform your behavior as a physician.

38. What opportunities have you had to travel? (Alternative: What exposure have you had to other cultures?)

39. What experiences have you had working with diverse populations?

40. If you come from an underrepresented background, how has this influenced your approach to medicine?

41. If you don't come from an underrepresented background, how are you prepared to meet the needs of populations different from you?

Medical school interview questions about ethics, controversial topics, or current issues

Questions about ethics or current debates understandably make most interviewees nervous. However, remember that there are almost always no right or wrong stances in these situations. What's important is that your responses to these types of questions display: a thorough understanding of the debate or conflict surrounding an issue; carefully considered logic; and a prioritization of the safety and wellness of patients over all else, including your personal beliefs.

42. Have you ever found yourself in a moral conflict? (Alternative: As a doctor, how would you handle a morally ambiguous situation?)

43. How do you feel about [stem cell research/another controversial topic]?

44. How do you think the shortage of medical resources in rural areas should be addressed?

45. How would the adoption of universal health care affect your desire to be a physician?

46. What do you think should be done about the high cost of healthcare?

47. What's a recent development in medicine that excites you?

48. Do you read any publications that are relevant to medicine? Talk about something you read recently that interested you.

Medical school interview questions about the application process

These questions have a lot of overlap with the "Why X school" question we discussed earlier. To respond to questions about yourself, aim to highlight your positive qualities without bragging or putting down other candidates, and discuss how those qualities fit with and benefit the school with which you're interviewing. You can also discuss your goals and why that specific school will help you achieve them.

As for questions about other medical schools, though you might feel the tendency to be tight-lipped about your applications, it's best to be honest. Demonstrate that you've thoughtfully selected your school list by discussing your reasoning without fawning over other schools. If possible, an effective tactic is to then pivot to what's unique about the school where you're interviewing and talk about why that facet appeals to you.

49. What sets you apart from the hundreds of other medical school candidates who are just as qualified as you are? (Alternative: Why should we accept you? Why are you a good fit for our school?)

50. What kind of medical schools are you applying to and why? (Alternative: Where else are you applying?)

51. What would you hope to learn or get out of your ideal medical school experience?

52. Have you been accepted anywhere else?


Looking for medical school interview coaching?

In addition to the interview support we provide our students through our premium 1:1 application plans, we offer a la carte interview coaching to help you present your best self on the big day. It would be a pleasure to guide you!

1 round
2 rounds
3 rounds
Plans Video coaching session length Customized to each school Traditional, MMI, or hybrid Full-length mock interview Question-by-question feedback Post session notes Plan Investment
1 round 90 minutes Included Included Included Included Included

2 rounds 90 minutes Included Included Included Included Included

3 rounds 90 minutes Included Included Included Included Included


Frequently asked questions

+ How are the 90-minute interview coaching sessions organized?

Your 90-minute interview coaching session(s) will be roughly organized as follows:

  • 30- to 40-minute mock interview
  • 50 to 60 minutes of question-by-question feedback, including opportunities to practice modified responses

+ How many rounds of interview coaching do you recommend?

Students vary with respect to the number of interview coaching sessions they seek. Some students sign up for just one session (e.g., for their dream school), but most students sign up for multiple sessions because they either don't feel very confident in their interview skills; don't want to leave anything to chance; or because they want to use one round to prep for traditional interviews, another to prep for MMI interviews, etc.

While the number of interview coaching sessions you sign up for is up to you, we recommend signing up for two or more sessions to maximize your odds of admission.

+ My interview is traditional/MMI/hybrid. Do these interview coaching sessions cover that?

Your interview coaching session will be specifically tailored to you and to the school that you've been invited to interview at. Therefore, we will provide traditional, MMI, or hybrid interview coaching based on your needs.

+ My interview is scheduled for [Date]. Will you have availability before then?

It will be no problem to schedule your interview session. In 100% of cases during our 15+ years of supporting thousands of students, we have been able to schedule coaching sessions in time for upcoming interviews. Therefore, we invite you to sign up with confidence.

+ Do you schedule interview coaching on weekends?

Yes, we do!

+ Do you have experience coaching interviews at [School/Program]?

With 15+ years of experience, we've helped students successfully interview at every medical school (MD and DO), as well as every type of dual-degree program. (e.g., MD/PhD, MD/MBA, MD/MPH)

+ If I sign up for one session to start and add more sessions later, would I simply invest the difference?

Unfortunately not. The only way to receive reduced investments for your second or third round of interview coaching is by signing up for multiple sessions up front.

+ What happens after I sign up?

After you sign up, simply email the following information to using "Interview coaching purchase" in the subject line:

  • Your full name
  • Your AMCAS (or AACOMAS) pdf
  • Your interview date
  • All of your specific availability (including time zone) for a 90-minute interview coaching session over a consecutive three- to five-day period
  • Any details you'd like us to know about you or your upcoming interview

Shortly after, we will schedule your interview coaching session during one of your listed times.

Realizing Typo in Secondary Pre Interview Med School


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